Downsizing: Consumables Part 2

First off, I want to thank you all for the kind words and happy thoughts you sent my way while I was sick. You’re all amazing, and I’m trilled to be part of such a fantastic community!

I’ve tackled the behemoth. Here are the before and after pics for your benefit:


And here’s the rundown of what I kept:

8 Sharpies, assorted colors. I use these on my calendar because ink from a pen smudges. I keep my schedule color-coordinated.

4 Dry erase markers – blue, red, black, green. Ditto the color coordination thing. I use my mirror as a dry erase board.

2 Highlighters – one blue, one yellow. The inside of my Bible looks like Dory.

2 Pens – one black for writing, one red for editing.

4 Mechanical pencils. As colossal nerds, myself and three friends use these weekly when we play World of Darkness.

Total: 20 items.

What I didn’t keep:

Any washable markers.

Any color pencils.

Any Sharpies in colors that don’t show up well on the calendar. (Why do yellow Sharpies exist?)

Any duplicates of items in the first list.

I feel good about this purge. What do you think? Would you have kept or downsized anything I didn’t?

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