Project of the Day: Spooky Eyes Candle Holders

Throwback to an old Halloween craft!

The Live Simply Blog

Halloween is almost here! I’m beginning my preparations for our Hallows Eve party. Due to the geeky nature of my guests, most of my decorations will have a nerdy twist. This one will be the centerpiece on my table in the living room.


Spooky Eyes Candle Holders



Paper towels for the workspace

Acrylic paint (Red, yellow, black,  – and I added pink and white)


Wine goblets

Black spray paint

Painter’s or masking tape



Battery-operated tea light candles

Regular tea lights


Step one: Make the eyes

Trace the eye shapes you want onto the masking tape, and cut them out.


Position the eyes on the glass wherever you’d like. Remember that the glass will be upside down when it’s finished.



Using the color you’d like the eyes to be, paint the inside of the glass, behind the eye stickers.



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2 thoughts on “Project of the Day: Spooky Eyes Candle Holders

  1. A lot of people are going to get confused when my name comes up as ‘Pets To Go’. That is the name of a little business on a site I am working on for my WordPress class. Rest assured, it is still me. 😛

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